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Bfooding Disposable Square Cube Cup 65ml, 50Pcs/Pkt, Red
Bfooding Disposable Wine Glass W/Silver Rim 10Pcs/Pkt, 180ml
Bfooding Disposable Wine Glass Ø6.5xH12.3cm,162ml, 6Pcs/Pkt, Clear
Bfooding Flexible Straw W/Paper Parasol Ø0.5xH24cm,100Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Frilled Toothpicks 10cm,(1000Pcs/Pkt)
Bfooding Frilled Toothpicks 6.5cm,(1000Pcs/Pkt)
Bfooding Paper Parasol (Umbrella) Picks 10cm,(144Pcs/Pkt)
Bfooding Wooden Ice Cream Spoon, 100Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Wooden Picks W/Color Pearl, (144Pcs/Pkt)
Bfooding Bamboo Fibre Ripple Wall Cup W/Environ Message, 8Oz, 25 Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Lid For 24Oz Salad Bowl (Pcsb00004), 50Pcs/Pk
Bfooding Disposable Pet Delicup 12Oz/350Ml, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Delicup 16Oz/475Ml, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Delicup 24Oz/710Ml, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Delicup 32Oz/950Ml, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Delicup 8Oz/240Ml, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Lid For 30Ml Container (PCPC00001), 250Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Lid For 60Ml Container (Pcpc00009), 250Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Lid For Delicups, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Portion Cup 30Ml/1Oz, 250Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Disposable Pet Portion Cup 60Ml/2Oz, 250Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding PP Pull-Back Lid Ø8cm For #SPL-RWCUP08/SPL-BPSWCUP08, 100% Recyclable, Black, 50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Cone L12.5x5cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Cone L8x6cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Cup Ø4.5xH4.5cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Cup Ø5xH2cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Cup Ø6xH5.5cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Junk L12xw7cm,50Pcs/Pkt
Bfooding Pinetree Junk L130xw80xH20Mm (50Pcs/Pkt)
Bfooding Pinetree Junk L190xw95xH22Mm (50Pcs/Pkt)